Kindergartens and schools
Every kindergarten and school that wishes to participate in our project can fill out the application.
Would you like your child to participate in an international ‘Say Hello to the World’ project? You can speak to your kindergarten teacher and inform her about us, or contact us. We will try to do our best to make it happen.
Year 2012/2013
First video call - Krško (Slovenia) & Kaunas (Lithuania)
23/08/2016 17:36:11
- Some children are black,
- Some have differently shaped eyes,
- They sing different songs,
- They speak in a language we don’t understand.

The children discussed with their teachers about what their new friends are like, what language they speak, if they are playing the same game as themselves, etc. When they’ve received photos of children they have studied the similarities and the differences and the children have learned that:
- The children of the world are all alike,
- That the children from Slovenia are happy, since they’re smiling,
- That Slovenian children have brown eyes as they mostly have blue eyes.

Tags: Say hello to the world, say hello, International project, kindergarten krško, Slovenia, kaunas, lithuania