Kindergartens and schools
Every kindergarten and school that wishes to participate in our project can fill out the application.
Would you like your child to participate in an international ‘Say Hello to the World’ project? You can speak to your kindergarten teacher and inform her about us, or contact us. We will try to do our best to make it happen.
Year 2011/2012
Fifth Contact – ME AND MY COUNTRY
23/08/2016 17:25:56
For the last theme, we presented our beautiful Slovenia to our friends. Before the last video contact our children were eager to get ready and made a lot of preparations. They draw the map of Slovenia with all the attractions and the characteristics which they thought were important.
They also filmed a video in which they show how to make a traditional Slovenian role cake - POTICA. At the end of the video contact the children sang our national anthem and showed our flag and explained its meaning.
Tags: Say Hello to the World, Say hello, international project, tolerant kindergarten, kindergarten Radeče, Slovenia, International Preschool AB, Göteborg, Sweden, Youth center Radeče, friends, video call, map, traditional, national anthem, flag, potica